Monday, June 11, 2012

Monopoly and Move to Taber in December 2003

On December 2nd Garth rezzed our Balloon and we went to Welsh to see Nick Fairlight’s fireworks spectacular.  It wasn’t long till several  friends joined us.  It was a wonderful show, one of the first in Second Life.

Fireworks in Welsh Dec 2003 - fc size

Fireworks in Welsh 02 Dec 2003 - fc size

Valfaroth Grimm, a magnificent builder and scriptor created a Monopoly Game which he placed on Cayman Island a private Estate owned by Evie Fairchild.  In those days Linden Lab had not yet offered private regions for sale to the public but Evie won the use of the region floating off to the north of the mainland for a year. 

The Monopoly Game was amazing and the people flocked to play and to watch the game.

Monopoly on Cayman Dec 3rd (3)

One of the players.  Notice that one of the squares is Fairlight Flight, that was Garth’s first business name  he changed it to FairChang till after our marriage.

Monopoly on Cayman Dec 3rd (6)

A cute little Fairy playing Monopoly.  Walking past DaBoom Telehub and Taber Village squares on to Community Chest, Aurelie’s Castle, Schegal Estate or perhaps she will land in the Sandbox square!

Incidentally Taber Village was owned by Garth and me. I still have a 4096m2 park there dedicated to Garth’s memory.  Tport to Taber and enjoy the park.

Monopoly on Cayman Dec 3rd (9)

Monopoly on Cayman Dec 3rd 00

Garth and I standing on a transparent platform watching the game below.

Sometime in December due to Linden Lab starting to charge US$ for use of land we felt obliged to give up the 1/4 of Olive that we owned.  We already owned a good bit of Taber so FairChang Manor was moved there.  The Manor can still be seen on FairChang Island.

FairChang Hall at twilight

Taber 12-10-03 - fc size

Hanging out in Taber with Siggy Romulus and Fleabite Beach.  We are on Flea’s roof!

Those big buildings in the background?  That is in Natoma.  The Ivory Tower of Prims constructed by Lumiere Noir is there now (and has been for years).

Taber Christmas tree 2003 - fc size

Maggie Miller, who had a parcel in neighboring Welsh bought a plot of land in Taber and put up this Christmas Tree and invited fellow Second Lifers to help decorate.  Peeps came from all over to hang ornaments and garlands.  They put up the train and the snowman too.  We had lots of fun with it.

Next post,  building the Taber Church and Taber Windmill.